MISO Survey: First Look

This past spring, the UR community participated in its eighth iteration of the MISO Survey, which Information Services uses to gauge how important and satisfied students, staff, and faculty are with technology resources and services. Information Services looks to MISO Survey results to provide quantitative information that is actionable.

Information Services has begun analysis of this year's survey results. Overall, the results indicate that many IT resources and services are not only important to our community, but also that faculty, staff, and students are generally satisfied with those resources and services. That said, there are areas of interest that Information Services is preparing to conduct focus groups to learn more.

It's not a surprise that web conferencing (Zoom) increased more than anything else since Richmond last participated in the survey in the spring of 2020. On a four-point scale of importance, Zoom jumped .99 for faculty. What was good to see is that along with the increase in importance came an increase in satisfaction. Given the implementation of Zoom at the start of COVID, it is good to know that the community has been largely satisfied with the service.

One item that came up in the survey results is the performance of the wireless network. The wireless network is completely replaced every seven years, and Information Services is working on the replacement of that network now, with the project to be completed by the Fall 2024 semester.

More information on the 2023 MISO results will be posted to the IS website in September. In October, Information Services will hold a series of focus groups to follow up on questions and issues raised by the survey results.