Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get a new system, application, interface, or server onto the network?
A consultation with you and your staff will bring out the steps needed to be accomplished in order to achieve your request. The system, application, interface or server must be vetted to insure that all the necessary requirements for access, security, and other items can be done in a reasonable timeframe for your request. This could include helping you research various options and possibly vendors. The earlier we are included in your process the more we can help. The first step is to submit a project request in SpiderTechNet.
What must be considered when installing a new application and/or server on campus?
- Does the app/server support the strategic plan and goals of the university?
- Are there security issues to be mitigated (FERPA, HIPPA, PCI, etc)?
- Will the application or the traffic generated affect the health of the network?
- Does a new application or process save 1 group work only to create more work for another group or groups?
When should I contact Information Services about a new application/service?
- As soon as possible, the earlier the information is shared the more help can be provided.
- IS wants to help you make the best technical decision around any products you are looking for.
- IS can help wade through the techno speak that vendors often throw out.
What do I do if I have already selected a company from which to purchase my application?
Let us know as soon as possible. Although you have selected a company there may be technical questions or information we need to know in order to place your application on the network. We will want to place a technical call with the vendor to insure the application you have chosen will work as advertised within our environment. You can let us know by visiting SpiderTechNet and submitting a project request.
I need to upgrade my current application or server, what do I do?
First let the System Administrator of your current system know with as much specific information as you have. Depending upon the amount of work needed for this upgrade this may become a project to do the upgrade. In general for servers, we maintain a list of servers that we are system administrators for and will let you know when your server is getting close to its replacement date. If your sever is not managed by IS or in our data center you need to initiate a project through SpiderTechNet.
What technologies do we currently support?
In general if you are looking at a new application/server these are the technologies that we support.
Microsoft SQL Server - partial support, would need vendor help alsoHardware
Converged infrastructure hosting VMWare ESX virtual machines running Windows or RedHat
Operating Systems
Red Hat Linux
WindowsBackup Software
Veritas NetBackup
Server Anti-virus
What is the typical time frame for an administrative technology project?
Each project is unique and requires individual discussion to determine a timeline.
How do I send or receive data to/from an application hosted outside the university?
Please review our External Party Data Transfer Policy and let us help you determine the appropriate method.
Are there security requirements to be met?
YES.... There are many policies (FERPA,HIPAA, PCI, etc.) and even the most innocuous situations may have security requirements.
What do I do if I have a system outage or other issue with a current application?
In the situation where you are having a problem with a system or application please contact the Help Desk at 804-287-6400 or they will direct your problem to the appropriate area to solve the issue as quickly as possible.
How do I get a Banner account or Banner training?
Visit our Banner Resource Center for this information.